CCA Applauds Expansion of Beef Access to China
Posted on Oct 24th, 2016

Calgary, AB - Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met today in Ottawa with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and announced that China will begin to allow bone-in Canadian beef from cattle under 30 months of age (UTM) effective today. The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) is pleased that this important trading partner has recognized the rigour of Canada’s bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) control measures and has taken this step to move forward in normalizing import conditions for Canadian beef....
WESTERN ONTARIO: Corn Producers "Saved" by Yields Despite Dry Summer
Posted on Sep 20th, 2016

PORT BURWELL - At one point this summer Arpad Pasztor was worried about his 500 acres of corn. His area had a dry spell for three weeks in July. But some timely rains near the end of the month, when the corn was starting to flower, saved the crop and the Port Burwell farmer is now expecting an above-average yield. “It kind of saved our butts,” he said. In our particular area, the worst-case scenario would be average.”...
WESTERN ONTARIO: Below Average Soybean Yields Expected
Posted on Sep 20th, 2016

There’s going to be some disappointment with soybean yields this year, said OMAFRA’s soybean specialist. “The range in a year like this will be tremendous,” said Horst Bohner. “There are some fields in the Niagara region that have been written off by crop insurance so their yields will be zero. Then there are some fields that got timely showers that I expect to be well above average. “One decent rain in August can make a difference between having a very poor crop and an average crop.”...